Sydney Savage Club and De Bortoli Wine present
L'elisir d'amore Pocket Opera

This event is produced by the Sydney Savage Club, in conjunction with De Bortoli Wines, as a part of their program and forms the Christmas performance.
The Sydney Savage Club, in conjunction with Pacific Opera and De Bortoli Wines, will present a “Pocket Opera” version of that delightful opera by Donizetti, the “Elixir of Love”. This performance will be followed by an actual elixir of the ethereal and aromatic wines from the De Bortoli vineyard’s “La Boheme” range. The renowned soprano, Cheryl Barker, will present the performance, and the singers will include music from “La Boheme” to accompany the wines. The drinking of the wines is up to you! Christmas Cake will also be served.
When: 2:45pm for a 3pm start Sunday 4th December
Where: Recital Hall East, Sydney Conservatorium
Tickets: $75 per person, $70pp for groups of 4, and $50 for students. Ticket includes a drink.
Payment can be made online to CBA BSB 062 170 A/c 1009 5936 Sydney Savage Club. You can also send a cheque to the address below, or pay at the door.
For any other enquiries or payment queries, contact:
Herb Smith, Secretary
38/2 Dawes Road, Belrose NSW 2085
Tel 9451 0595 Mob 0431 700 227