Our COVID-19 Safety Plan
Pacific Opera has developed this COVID-19 Safety Plan to help maintain a safe environment for our staff, young artists, and our audiences in these difficult times.
The following guidelines are applicable to live music venue, including rehearsal spaces.
Effective July 1st 2021.
Well-being of Staff and Patrons
Pacific Opera will follow the current COVID-19 Public Health Orders, and also manage risks to staff and other people in accordance with Work Health and Safety laws.
All staff and Young Artists will be made aware in writing and verbally that they must refrain from attending rehearsals or performances if unwell or if anyone in their home or immediate family is unwell with a cough or fever.
Our Covid-19 policies will be displayed on our social media, website and at entry points to rehearsal rooms.
Should any students or staff feel unwell and/or require testing or are awaiting a testing outcome, there will be flexibility in our scheduling.
Physical Distancing
Seated groups or individuals will be separated by 1–2 empty seats on both sides to support physical distancing during rehearsals.
We will endeavour to maintain a distance of at least 1.5 metres at all times between students and staff.
Attention to gatherings outside the rehearsal.
Hygiene & Cleaning
We will continue to adopt good hand hygiene practices, ensuring hand sanitiser is available at all rehearsals and performances
A monitor will be designated for cleansing of frequently touched areas. Cleaning monitors will wear gloves and a mask.
Record Keeping
We will keep a record of names and contact details of all students and staff at our rehearsals and performances for at least 28 days.
We have made all staff and students aware of the CovidSafe app.
We will cooperate with NSW Health should a positive case appear at our workplaces and notify SafeWork NSW on 13 10 50.